

Check this thread and the rest of the group buy disputes forum before participating in any group buys or before accepting payments from any untrusted or new forum members.

If you know of a problem member, especially a serial refunder or someone that disputes payments or files chargebacks, please let other members know about it. If you post screenshots of the disputed orders, please black out private info. All one needs to avoid a user is their forum users name.

It's advised you avoid doing business with anyone who has a reputation of not amicably resolving problems and people that file disputes or chargebacks.

Post the members username and link to any related threads if available, screenshots etc. and include a "brief" explanation of the problems you've had and the reasons they should be blacklisted and avoided.


If you know of or suspect a group buy organizer is running a sales thread and a fake GB, call them out and let people know about it. Post in the dispute sub forums and in their GB threads. If you can prove a GB organizer is selling products under the guise of a group buy, let a mod/admin know. If true, they'll be banned/blocked from running any group buys again.

When posting or sending a PM - Include proof, screenshots, complete details etc. in your posts/PM's. Do not send a PM just because you assume someone is selling. Send proof.